最新の業績はこちらからご覧ください。 ≫


  • 趙義博、松村和明、第6回バイオマテリアル学会北信越若手研究会、12/15、長野
  • Punnida Nonsuwan, Suong Hyu Hyon, Kazuaki Matsumura, 第6回バイオマテリアル学会北信越若手研究会、12/15、長野
    Degradation control of oxidized dextran-based hydrogel formed by hybrid cross-linking
  • Dandan Zhao, Robin Rajan, Kazuaki Matsumura, 第6回バイオマテリアル学会北信越若手研究会、12/15、長野
    Synthesis of dual-thermo- and pH-responsive polymer for protein delivery
  • Kazuaki Matsumura, Monika Patel, Tadashi Nakaji-Hirabayashi, MRS-J, 12/5-7, 横浜
    A facile self-assembling amphiphilic polypeptide system cross linked for controlled drug release for wound healing
  • Kazuaki Matsumura, Sana Ahmed, MRS-J, 12/5-7, 横浜
    Penetration of polyampholyte nanoparticles into cells using liposomes-polyampholyte composite during freezing
  • Robin Rajan, Yu Suzuki, Kazuaki Matsumura, MRS-J, 12/5-7, 横浜
    Effects of polysulfobetaines on insulin aggregation and the effect of hydrophobicity
  • Dandan Zhao, Robin Rajan, Kazuaki Matsumura, MRS-J, 12/5-7, 横浜
    Dual-thermoresponsive polymeric systems exhibiting UCST and LCST for biomedical applications
  • Yibo. Zhao, Kazuaki Matsumura, MRS-J, 12/5-7, 横浜
    Preparation and characterization of poly vinyl alcohol(PVA-GO)graphene oxide(GO)hydrogel made by hot pressing method
  • Robin Rajan, Yu Suzuki, Kazuaki Matsumura, MRS, 11/26-12/1, Boston
    Suppression of insulin aggregation by zwitterionic polymers : Mechanistic Insights
  • Punnida Nonsuwan, Suong Hyu Hyon, Kazuaki Matsumura, MRS, 11/26-12/1, Boston
    Control of degradation of oxidized dextran-based hydrogel formed via Michael addition
  • Robin Rajan, Kazuaki Matsumura, 第39回日本バイオマテリアル学会、11/20-21、東京
    Effect of zwitterionic polymers on insulin aggregation
  • Sana Ahmed, Kazuaki Matsumura, 第39回日本バイオマテリアル学会、11/20-21、東京
    Progressive Freeze Concentration based Model System for Delivery of Biomolecules
  • 高橋麻里、プリヤンク モハン、向井康治朗、武田裕一、松本多圭夫、松村和明、高倉正博、新井洋由、田口友彦、前之園信也、
  • 松村和明、Cryopreservation Conference 2017, 11/1-2, 筑波
  • Robin Rajan, Kazuaki Matsumura, ESB 2017, 9/4-8, Athens
    Effect of zwitterionic polymers on insulin aggregation and the importance of hydrophobicity
  • Sana Ahmed, Kazuaki Matsumura, ESB 2017, 9/4-8, Athens
    A novel Freeze concentration based approach for immunotherapy
  • Monika Patel, Kazuaki Matsumura, ESB 2017, 9/4-8, Athens
    Switchable dual drug releasing micelle hydrogel composite for wound healing
  • Monika Patel, Kazuaki Matsumura, IUMRS-ICAM2017, 8/28-9/1, Kyoto
    Dual drug release system based on oppositely charged polypeptide micelle-hydrogel composite for wound healing
  • Nathapong Pangkom, Kazuaki Matsumura, IUMRS-ICAM2017, 8/28-9/1, Kyoto
    Thermo-responsibility of polyampholytes and preparation of their micro-hydrogel
  • Koyo Okuma, Sana Ahmed, Kazuaki Matsumura, IUMRS-ICAM2017, 8/28-9/1, Kyoto
    Intracellular Delivery of Gold Nanoparticles and Polystyrene Beads Using Freeze Concentration
  • Zhao Yibo, Kazuaki Matsumura, IUMRS-ICAM2017, 8/28-9/1, Kyoto
    Preparation and characterization of poly vinyl alcohol(PVA)-graphene oxide (GO)hydrogel made by hot pressing method
  • Monika Patel, Tatsuo Kaneko, Kazuaki Matsumura, APME2017, 5/21-25, Belgium
    A facile self-assembling amphiphilic polypeptide system cross linked for controlled drug release
  • Sana Ahmed, Kazuaki Matsumura, APME2017, 5/21-25, Belgium
    Enhancement of gene delivery using effective combination of freeze concentration and Polyampoholyte Nanoparticles
  • 松村和明、Sana AHMED、宮脇長人、第62回低温生物工学会、5/20-21、札幌
  • Monika Patel, Kazuaki Matsumura, 19th International Conference on Biomaterials Engineering, 4/27-28, Kyoto
    Charged Amphiphilic Polypeptide based Micelle Hydrogel Composite for Dual Drug Release
  • 松村和明、日本化学会、3/16-19、横浜 (invited lecture)
  • Monika Patel, Tatsuo Kaneko, Kazuaki Matsumura, GelSympo2017, 3/7-9, Tsukuba
    A Novel Switchable Micelle-Hydrogel Composite for Dual Release of Drugs for Wound Healing
  • Tomoyo Sakaguchi, Yoshihiro Kimura, Akinobu Oharuda, Suong-Hyu Hyon, Kazuaki Matsumura, GelSympo2017, 3/7-9, Tsukuba
    Mechanical property of polyvinyl alcohol hydrogel by hot pressing methods
  • 松村和明、第16回日本再生医療学会、3/7-9、仙台(ランチョンセミナー)



  • Kazuaki Matsumura, Pannida Nonsuwan, MRS-J2016, 12/19-20, Yokohama
    Degradation control of oxidized dextran hydrogel formed via Michael addition
  • Monika Patel, Kazuaki Matsumura, 第5回日本バイオマテリアル学会北陸若手研究発表会、12/9-10、長岡
    Dual drug release system based on oppositely charged polypeptide micelle-hydrogel composite for wound healing
  • Sana Ahmed, Kazuaki Matsumura, 第5回日本バイオマテリアル学会北陸若手研究発表会、12/9-10、長岡
    Intensify Immune Response by using novel Freeze Concentration Strategy
  • 田中章仁、松村和明、第5日本バイオマテリアル学会北陸若手研究発表会、12/9-10、長岡
  • 国京良仁、松村和明、第5回日本バイオマテリアル学会北陸若手研究発表会、12/9-10、長岡
  • 松村和明、Sana Ahmed、日本バイオマテリアル学会シンポジウム2016、11/21-22、福岡
  • 国京良仁、松村和明、日本バイオマテリアル学会シンポジウム2016、11/21-22、福岡
  • Monika Patel, Kazuaki Matsumura, 第65回高分子学会北陸支部研究発表会、11/11-12、福井
    An amphiphilic polypeptide based shell linked micelle-hydrogel composite for dual drug release
  • Sana Ahmed, Kazuaki Matsumura, 第65回高分子学会北陸支部研究発、11/11-12、福井
    Freeze concentration and polyampholyte nanoparticles based gene delivery
  • 田中章仁、松村和明、第65回高分子学会北陸支部研究発表会、11/11-12、福井
  • 国京良仁、松村和明、第65回高分子学会北陸支部研究発表会、11/11-12、福井
  • 松村和明、Cryopreservation Conference 2016, 11/10, 岡崎
  • 国京良仁、松村和明、BiCon2016, 10/18, Jaipur
    Inhibition of freezingdamage of enzyme by polyampholyte
  • Punnida Nonsuwwan, Suong Hyu Hyon, Kazuaki Matsumura, IFBP-2016, 9/7-9, Osaka
    Degradation control of multiple crosslinked dextran based hydrogel
  • Sana Ahmed, Kazuaki Matsumura, IFBP-2016, 9/7-9, Osaka
    Accelerated Gene delivery using Self-Assembled Polyampholyte Nanoparticles based on Freeze Concentration Mechanism
  • 松村和明、Sana Ahmed, 第61回低温生物工学会、6/25-26, 2016, 埼玉
  • Kazuaki Matsumura, Manato Suzuki, Daisuke Tanaka, Suong-Hyu Hyon, 10th WBC, Montreal, 5/18-22
    Tissue-engineered constructs preservation using a novel slow vitrification method with hydrophobically modified polyampholyte to inhibit ice crystallization
  • Robin Rajan, Sparsh Makhaik, Kazuaki Matsumura, 10th WBC, Montreal, 5/18-22
    Zwitterionic polymers and nanogels as new class of protein aggregation inhibitors
  • Robin Rajan, Kazuaki Matsumura, 10th WBC, Montreal, 5/18-22
    Synthetic polymers for cellular cryopreservation: A new and versatile class of cryoprotectants
  • Minkle Jain, Kazuaki Matsumura, 10th WBC, Montreal, 5/18-22
    Soft bionanocmposites based on poly-L-lysine and nanosilicate for tissue engineering applications
  • Tomoyo Sakaguchi, Shusaku Nagano, Mitsuo Hara, Yoshihiro Kimura, Akinobu Oharuda, Kazuaki Matsumura, 10th WBC, Montreal, 5/18-22
    Evaluation of physical property for syndiotactic PVA-H by hot pressing method
  • Sana Ahmed, Kazuaki Matsumura, 10th WBC, Montreal, 5/18-22
    Exploring the intracellular pathways of lysozyme protein using polyampholyte modified liposomes and freeze concentration method
  • Sana Ahmed, Kazuaki Matsumura, 10th WBC, Montreal, 5/18-22
    Effective gene delivery by using freeze concentration method
  • Monika Patel, Kazuaki Matsumura, 10th WBC, Montreal, 5/18-22
    Hierarchical Hydrogel formation through micellization of amphiphilic block polypeptide in aqueous media
  • Kazuaki Matsumura, 第55回生体医工学会、富山、4/25-27(セッションオーガナイザー、Invited Lecture)
    Development of novel cryoprotectants and their application for tissue engineering
  • Kazuaki Matsumura, Wichchulada Konkumnerd, GRIP2016, 3/4-7, Ishikawa (Invited Lecture)
    Biodegradable polysaccharide by Malaprade oxidation for tissue engineering



  • 横倉佑亮、松村和明、第四回日本バイオマテリアル学会北陸若手研究発表会、11/30, 石川
  • 寺井渉、星島裕子、後藤和馬、松浦宏治、松村和明、第四回日本バイオマテリアル学会北陸若手研究発表会、11/30, 石川
  • 万治志、松村和明、木村佳弘、第四回日本バイオマテリアル学会北陸若手研究発表会、11/30, 石川
  • 鈴木雅、田中大介、松村和明、第四回日本バイオマテリアル学会北陸若手研究発表会、11/30, 石川
  • 松村和明、第42回日本低温医学会総会、11/26-27, 石川 (Invited Lecture)
    Effective Cryopreservation of the Stem Cell for a Regeneration Medicine by using polymeric cryoprotectant
  • Kazuaki Matsumura, 2015 EU-Japan Workshop on Next-Generation Nanomagnetic Medicine, 11/24-25, Ishikawa (Invited Lecture)
    Polymer modification of nanoparticles toward biomedical applications
  • Sana Ahmed, Kazuaki Matsumura, 2015 EU-Japan Workshop on Next-Generation Nanomagnetic Medicine, 11/24-25, Ishikawa
    Deciphering the internalisation and efficient cytoplasmic delivery of lysozyme protein by polyampholyte
    modified liposome and freeze concentration
  • 松村和明、第2回低温科学技術交流会、11/17、東京 (Invited Lecture)
  • Robin Rajan, Kazuaki Matsumura, 第64回高分子学会北陸支部研究発表会、11/14-15、石川
    Synthetic polymers for cellular cryopreservation: A new and versatile class of cryoprotectants
  • Minkle Jain, Kazuaki Matsumura, 第64回高分子学会北陸支部研究発表会、11/14-15、石川
    Shear thinning in situ injectable hydrogel using poly-L-lysine as cryoprotectant and synthetic sillicate for cell delivery purposes.
  • 阪口智世、松村和明、第64回高分子学会北陸支部研究発表会、11/14-15、石川
  • 鈴木雅、松村和明、平成27年度北陸地区高分子若手研究会、11/13, 石川
  • 寺井渉、松村和明、平成27年度北陸地区高分子若手研究会、11/13, 石川
  • 横倉佑亮、松村和明、平成27年度北陸地区高分子若手研究会、11/13, 石川
  • 万治志、松村和明、平成27年度北陸地区高分子若手研究会、11/13, 石川
  • Wichchulada Konkumnerd, Kazuaki Matsumura, 平成27年度北陸地区高分子若手研究会, 11/13, 石川
    Degradation Control of Polysaccharide by Malaprade Oxidation for Tissue Engineering
  • Monika Patel, Kazuaki Matsumura, 平成27年度北陸地区高分子若手研究会, 11/13, 石川
    Synthesis of Nano-assembly of Synthetic Polypeptides and Their Study for Cell-engineering Application
  • Sana Ahmed, Kazuaki Matsumura, 平成27年度北陸地区高分子若手研究会, 11/13, 石川
    Enhancing the Endosomal Escape of Protein by Polyampholyte Modified Liposomes Using Freeze Concentration Strategy
  • Sparsh Makhaik, Kazuaki Matsumura, 平成27年度北陸地区高分子若手研究会, 11/13, 石川
    The Synthesis of Sulfobetaine Polymers Using RAFT Polymeristaion and Study Their Stucture-property Relationship
  • Monika PATEL, Kazuaki Matsumura, SAST2015, 11/10-12, Ishikawa
    Nano-Assembly of Precisely-Synthesized Amphiphilic Polypeptides and Cell-Engineering Application
  • Robin Rajan, Kazuaki Matsumura, SAST2015, 11/10-12, Ishikawa
    A zwitterionic polymer for the effective suppression of protein aggregation
  • Nozomi Manji, Kazuaki Matsumura, SAST2015, 11/10-12, Ishikawa
    The development of carbonyl modified poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) to modify surface with endothelial cell
  • Yuusuke Yokokura, Kazuaki Matsumura, SAST2015, 11/10-12, Ishikawa
    Basic study of degradation of cellulose nanofibers to apply for drug delivery system
  • 鈴木雅、田中大介、松村和明、第37回日本バイオマテリアル学会、11/9-10, 京都
  • 横倉佑亮、松村和明、第37回日本バイオマテリアル学会、11/9-10, 京都
  • 松村和明、河本慶子、田中大介、Cryopreservation Conference2015、10/28-29, 岡崎
  • Sana Ahmed, Kazuaki Matsumura, APME2015, 10/18-22, Yokohama
    Investigating the uptake and intracellular delivery of protein by using polyampholyte modified liposome based carrier system and freeze concentration mechanism
  • Sana Ahmed, Kazuaki Matsumura, APME2015, 10/18-22, Yokohama
    Fundamental investigation of freeze concentration strategy in delivery of protein by using polyampholyte nanoparticles
  • Sparsh Makhaik, Robin Rajan, Kazuaki Matsumura, APME2015, 10/18-22, Yokohama
    The study of structure and property relationship of sulfobetaine polymers
  • 阪口智世、森田有亮、松村和明、日本機械学会第26回バイオフロンティア講演会、10/2-3, 福岡
  • 阪口智世、永野修作、原光生、木村佳弘、小原田明信、松村和明、第64回高分子討論会、9/15-17, 仙台
  • 万治志、松村和明、木村佳弘、第64回高分子討論会、9/15-17, 仙台
  • 寺井 渉、星島 裕子、後藤 和馬、松浦 宏治、松村 和明、第64回高分子討論会、9/15-17, 仙台
  • Wichchulada Konkumnerd , Tadashi Nakaji-Hirabayashi, Suong-Hyu Hyon, Kazuaki Matsumura,第64回高分子討論会、9/15-17, 仙台
    Degradation control of polysaccharide by Malaprade oxidation for tissue engineering
  • Kazuaki Matsumura, Keiko Kawamoto, Suong-Hyu Hyon, ESB2015, 8/30-9/3, Poland
    2D Cell Monolayer and 3D Cell Construct Cryopreservation by Slow Vitrification
  • Minkle Jain, Kazuaki Matsumura, ESB2015, 8/30-9/3, Poland
    Shear- thinning Soft Bionanocomposites Based on Laponite and Poly-L-lysine for Cell Delivery Purposes
  • Minkle Jain, Kazuaki Matsumura, ESB2015, 8/30-9/3, Poland
    Poly-L-lysine Based Covalently Crosslinked Bionanocomposites with Controlled Drug Release and Cell Adhesion Properties
  • Robin Rajan, Kazuaki Matsumura, ESB2015, 8/30-9/3, Poland
    Development of Structurally Analogous Cryoprotective Synthetic Polyampholytes and Elucidation of Mechanism
  • Robin Rajan, Kazuaki Matsumura, ESB2015, 8/30-9/3, Poland
    Zwitterionic Polyampholyte as a novel inhibitor of lysozyme aggregation
  • 松村和明、第60回低温生物工学会、5/30-31, 東京 (研究奨励賞受賞講演)
  • 鈴木雅、田中大介、松村和明、第60回低温生物工学会、5/30-31, 東京
  • 中路正、藤本くる美、北野博巳、松村和明、第64回高分子学会年次大会、5/27-29, 札幌
  • 横倉佑亮、松村和明、第64回高分子学会年次大会、5/27-29, 札幌
  • 万治志、木村佳弘、松村和明、第64回高分子学会年次大会、5/27-29, 札幌
  • 寺井 渉、松村 和明、第64回高分子学会年次大会、5/27-29, 札幌
  • Kazuaki Matsumura, JAIST JAPAN-INDIA symposium on materials science 2015. 3/2, Nomi, (Invited Lecture)
    Protein Cytoplasmic Delivery by Freeze Concentration
  • Kazuaki Matsumura, 2015 JAIST-IISc Matching seminar, 2/27, Bangalore, India, (Invited Lecture)
    Biomaterials in Tissue Engineering and Cryopreservation



  • 松村和明 MRS-J2014年次大会、12/10、 横浜
  • Minkle Jain, Kazuaki Matsumura, IPC2014, 12/2-5, Tsukuba
    Self Healing Soft Bio-Nanacomposite Hydrogel Based on Laponite and Cryoprotective Polyampholyte
  • Robin Rajan, Kazuaki Matsumura, IPC2014, 12/2-5, Tsukuba
    Disparate membrane interaction of structurally analogous synthetic polyampholytes with cryoprotective properties
  • Tomoyo Sakaguchi, Shusaku Nagano, Mitsuo Hara, Suong-Hyu Hyon, Kazuaki Matsumura, IPC2014, 12/2-5, Tsukuba
    Effect of solvents on hot-pressing hydrogelation process of poly (vinyl alcohol)
  • Yuki Hirano, Takashi Hayami, Sachi Yoshikawa, Ryoichi Shirosaki, Koji Morimoto, Kazuaki Matsumura, IPC2014, 12/2-5, Tsukuba
    Surface modification of poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogel by graft polymerization of betaine polymer
  • 松村和明、第36回日本バイオマテリアル学会11/17-18, 東京
  • Minkle Jain, Kazuaki Matsumura, 第36回日本バイオマテリアル学会11/17-18, 東京
    Clay and Poly-L-lysine based soft bio nanocomposites with cryoprotective and thixotropic properties
  • Robin Rajan, Kazuaki Matsumura, 第36回日本バイオマテリアル学会11/17-18, 東京
    Interaction of polyampholytes with cell membrane and its effect on cryopreservation properties
  • 平野由起、森本浩嗣、吉川祥、白崎諒一、速水 尚、松村和明、第36回日本バイオマテリアル学会11/17-18, 東京
  • Sana Ahmed, Kazuaki Matsumura, IRAGO Conference, 11/6-7, Tsukuba
    Development of enhanced protein delivery by polyampholyte nanoparticles using freeze concentration
  • 松村和明、河本慶子、田中大介、藤島政博、Cryopreservation Conference 2014 10/23-24, 岡崎
  • Kazuaki Matsumura, Robin Rajan. Cryopreservation Conference 2014 10/23-24, 岡崎
  • Robin Rajan, Kazuaki Matsumura, 第三回日本バイオマテリアル学会北陸若手研究発表会, 10/14, 福井
    Synthesis of novel polyampholytes with disparate cryoprotective properties and elucidation of mechanism of cryopreservation
  • Minkle Jain, Kazuaki Matsumura, 第三回日本バイオマテリアル学会北陸若手研究発表会, 10/14, 福井
    Soft thixotropic bio nanocomposites based on laponite and polyampholyte with tunable mechanical properties
  • Sana Ahmed, Kazuaki Matsumura, 第三回日本バイオマテリアル学会北陸若手研究発表会, 10/14, 福井
    Cytoplasmic delivery of protein mediated by polyampholyte nanoparticle using freeze concentration
  • 平野由起、松村和明、第三回日本バイオマテリアル学会北陸若手研究発表会, 10/14, 福井
  • Minkle Jain, Kazuaki Matsumura, IUMRS-ICA, 8/25-29, Fukuoka
    Soft bio nanocomposites based on laponite with cryoprotective and thixotropic properties
  • Robin Rajan, Kazuaki Matsumura, IUMRS-ICA, 8/25-29, Fukuoka
    Novel polymeric cryoprotectant and its mode of action on cells
  • Tomoyo Sakaguchi, Shusaku Nagano, Mitsuo Hara, Suong-Hyu Hyon, Kazuaki Matsumura, IUMRS-ICA, 8/25-29, Fukuoka
    Gelation process of poly(vinyl alcohol) concentrated aqueous solution by hot pressing method
  • 松村和明、Wochchulada Konkumnerd、玄 丞烋 、医用高分子研究会, 7/28-29, 東京
  • Robin Rajan, Kazuaki Matsumura, 第59回低温生物工学会, 6/28-29, 福岡
    Preparation of novel synthetic cryoprotectants
  • 阪口智世、永野修作、原光生、玄丞烋、松村和明、第63回高分子学会年次大会, 5/28-30, 名古屋
  • 平野由起、松村和明、第63回高分子学会年次大会, 5/28-30, 名古屋
  • Kazuaki Matsumura (Invited Lecture)
    International Symposium for Green-Innovation Polymers (GRIP2014), 3/4, Kanazawa, Ishikawa
    A Self-degradable Polysaccharide as Biomedical Application
  • Kazuaki Matsumura (Invited Lecture)
    20th ISCB International Conference on Chemistry and Medicinal Plants in Translational Medicine for Healthcare, 1-4 Mar, Delhi India Biomedical application of oxidized polysaccharide as a self-degradable material
  • 松村和明、サクラン研究会、1/10、能美, (Invited lecture)



  • Wichchulada Konkumnerd, Kazuaki Matsumura
    第二回日本バイオマテリアル学会北陸若手研究発表会 12/16 富山
    Degradation control of cellulose scaffold by Malaprade reaction for tissue engineering.
  • Esha Das, Kazuaki Matsumura
    第二回日本バイオマテリアル学会北陸若手研究発表会 12/16 富山
    Study of phase separation by thermoresponsive carboxylated poly-L-lysine
  • Sana Ahmed, Kazuaki Matsumura
    第二回日本バイオマテリアル学会北陸若手研究発表会 12/16 富山
    Self assembly of Polyampholytes as potential carriers for drug delivery induced by freeze concentration
  • 阪口智世、松村和明
    第二回日本バイオマテリアル学会北陸若手研究発表会 12/16 富山
  • Esha Das, Kazuaki Matsumura
    MRS Fall meeting 2013,2013/12/1-6,Boston, USA
    Phase separation behavior of carboxylated poly-L-lysine
  • Sana Ahmed, Kazuaki Matsumura
    MRS Fall meeting 2013,2013/12/1-6,Boston, USA
    Freezing assisted protein delivery by using polymeric cryoprotectant
  • Wichchulada Konkumnerd, Suong Hyu Hyon, Kazuaki Matsumura
    MRS Fall meeting 2013,2013/12/1-6,Boston, USA
    Degradation control of cellulose by Malaprade oxidation for tissue engineering application
  • Tomoyo Sakaguchi, Suong Hyu Hyon, Kazuaki Matsumura
    MRS Fall meeting 2013,2013/12/1-6,Boston, USA
    Hydrogel formation from the concentrated aqueous solution of polyvinyl alcohol
  • 松村和明、Sana Ahmed
  • 松村和明、Wichchulada Konkumnerd、玄 丞烋
  • 阪口智世、松村和明
    ポリビニルアルコール濃厚水溶液 -ゲル化の過程と構造の解析-
  • Tomoyo Sakaguchi, Suong Hyu Hyon, Kazuaki Matsumura
    International Symposium on Advanced Materials 2013, 2013/10/17, Ishikawa
    Hydrogel formation from the concentrated aqueous solution of polyvinyl alcohol and structural analysis
  • Esha Das, Kazuaki Matsumura
    International Symposium on Advanced Materials 2013, 2013/10/17, Ishikawa
    Temperature dependent phase transition of carboxylated poly-L-lysine
  • Sana Ahmed, Kazuaki Matsumura
    International Symposium on Advanced Materials 2013, 2013/10/17, Ishikawa
    Polyampholyte nanoparticle based protein delivery enhanced by freezing
  • Wichchulada Konkumnerd, Suong Hyu Hyon, Kazuaki Matsumura
    International Symposium on Advanced Materials 2013, 2013/10/17, Ishikawa
    Degradation control of cellulose scaffold by Malaprade oxidation for tissue engineering application
  • Robin Rajan, Kazuaki Matsumura
    International Symposium on Advanced Materials 2013, 2013/10/17, Ishikawa
    Cryopreservation of cells using synthetic polymers via living polymerization and the effect of hydrophobicity
  • Minkle Jain, Suong Hyu Hyon, Kazuaki Matsumura
    International Symposium on Advanced Materials 2013, 2013/10/17, Ishikawa
    Novel cryoprotective hydrogel of Dextran based polyampholytes via Cu-free Click Chemistry
  • Kazuaki Matsumura
    International Symposium on Advanced Materials 2013, 2013/10/17, Ishikawa, (Invited lecture)
    Biomedical application of polyampholytes
  • Kazuaki Matsumura, Sana Ahmed
    International Symposium on Nanomedicine Molecular Science 2013, 2113/10/8-10, Tokyo
    Polyampholyte based protein delivery enhanced by freeze concentration
  • 阪口智世、永野修作、原光生、玄丞烋、松村和明
  • Esha DAS、 Kazuaki MATSUMURA
    Phase separation behavior of carboxylated poly-L-lysine
  • Wichchulada KONKUMNERD、 Suong-Hyu HYON、Kazuaki MATSUMURA
    Degradation control of polysaccharides by Malaprade oxidation
  • Sana AHMED、Kazuaki MATSUMURA
    Micelles formation of polyampholytes for controlled release
  • 松村和明
    日本動物細胞工学会2013年度大会,2013/7/19,福井, (invited lecture)
  • 松村和明
  • Kazuaki Matsumura
    International Workshop on Functional Polymer Surface and Interface, 2013/3/19, Ishikawa, (Invited lecture)
    Polymer Cryoprotectants and their Biomedical Applications



  • Robin Rajan, Kazuaki Matsumura
    第一回日本バイオマテリアル学会北陸若手研究発表会 12/25 石川
    Cryoprotective property of synthetic polyampholytes with hydrophobic moiety
  • Minkle Jain, Kazuaki Matsumura
    第一回日本バイオマテリアル学会北陸若手研究発表会 12/25 石川
    Hydrogelation of Dextran-based polyampholytes via Cu-free click chemistry and their cryoprotective properties
  • 阪口智世、松村和明
    第一回日本バイオマテリアル学会北陸若手研究発表会 12/25 石川
  • Robin Rajan, Kazuaki Matsumura
    MRS Fall meeting 2012,2012/11/25,Boston, USA
    Systematic development of a synthetic polyampholyte basedcryoprotective agent by Reversible Addition Fragmentation ChainTransfer polymerization
  • Minkle Jain, Kazuaki Matsumura
    MRS Fall meeting 2012,2012/11/25,Boston, USA
    Dextran based polyampholyte hydrogel having cryoprotective properties via Click Chemistry
  • Robin Rajan, Kazuaki Matsumura
    Synthetic polyampholytes for cryopreservation
  • Minkle Jain, Hyon Suong Hyu, Kazuaki Matsumura
  • Kazuaki Matsumura, Suong Hyu Hyon
    3rd Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society World Congress,2012/9/5-8,Vienna
    Development of hydrogel with cryoprotective properties using dextran
    Cryoprotective cell scaffold for tissue engineering
  • Kazuaki Matsumura, Fumiaki Hayashi, Toshio Nagashima, Suon-Hyu Hyon
    NIAS International Seminar for Cryobiology and Cryotechnology,2012/5/31, Tsukuba (invited lecture)
    Cryoprotective properties of polyampholytes



  • 松村和明
    平成23年度 日本バイオマテリアル学会北陸若手研究発表会 12/22 福井
  • 松村和明,林 文晶,長島敏雄,玄 丞烋
    第33回日本バイオマテリアル学会 11/21-22 京都、 細胞凍結保護ポリマーの 凍結挙動
  • 松村和明,林 文晶,長島敏雄,玄 丞烋
    第60回高分子学会北陸支部研究発表会 11/19-20 石川、両性電解質高分子の凍結保護特性とその凍結時挙動
  • Kazuaki Matsumura, and Suong-Hyu Hyon
    4th Annual World Congress of Regenerative Medicine & Stem Cell (RMSC-2011) Effective Cryopreservation of the Stem Cell for a Regeneration Medicine. 
  • 松村和明・林文晶、長島敏雄、玄  丞烋
    第60回高分子討論会 9/28-30 岡山、 凍結保護能を持つ両性電解質高分子 の凍結時挙動の固体NMRによる解析
  • Suong-Hyu Hyon, Kazuaki Matsumura
    Ice-Binding Protein Conference, 8/3-6, Ontario CANADA, Creation of antifreeze polyaminoacid with cryoprotective function.
  • 松村和 明、林文晶、長島 敏雄、玄 丞烋
    低温生物工学会7/7-8 岩手 凍結保護活性を持つカルボキシル化ポリリジ ン溶液の固体NMR測定による凍結時の挙動の評価
  • Suong-Hyu Hyon, Kazuaki Matsumura
    World Biobanking Summit, 6/30-7/1, Hamburg Germany, NOVEL CRYOPROTECTIVE AGENT (CPA) of Stem Cell for Regenerative Medicine

